About us

Faculty introduction

Noriyuki OKUMURA

If you are acquainted with me, please follow Twitter(@___okumura___) and/or please send a request to my Facebook. If you want to talk with me even if you do not know me personally, please follow  Twitter(@nori_broccoli).

奥村 紀之

Educational qualification

March ’98
Graduated from Yumenodai Senior High School
March ’03
Bachelor’s degree at Doshisha University, Department of Engineering
March ’05
Master’s degree at Doshisha University, Graduate School of Engineering
March ’08
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering at Doshisha University, Graduate School of Engineering

Career History

April ’03 to March ’05
Doshisha University, Department of Engineering
Teaching Assistant (Physics I, II, III)
April ’04 to March ’05
Doshisha University, Department of Engineering
Teaching Assistant (Programming I, Basic Lecture of Computer Science)
April ’05 to July ’05
Doshisha University, Department of Engineering
Teaching Assistant (Experiments of Information Systems I)
August ’05 to March ’08
Doshisha University, Graduate School of Engineering
Research Assistant
April ’08 to March ’18
National Institute of Technology
Assistant, Lecturer (’15 promoted)
April ’18 to present
Otemae University, Faculty of Modern Social Studies


’05 to ’08
The Association for Natural Language Processing (Student Member)
’08 to present
The Association for Natural Language Processing (Member)
’08 to present
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (Member)
’08 to ’19
IEEE(Computer Societty,Computational Intelligence) (Member)
’10 to present
The Association for Computational Linguistics (Member)
’08 to ’14
The Information Processing Society of Japan (Member)


Forum on Information Technology, FIT2003 Voluntary worker
International Conference SCIS-ISIS2012 Reviewer
International Conference ISTS2013 Reviewer
International Conference SCIS-ISIS2014 Reviewer
The Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan Reviewer
’15 to present
IEICE Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication Committee Member
’16 to ’18
The 23rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2017 and 2018 Committee Member of Organized Session
’16 to ’17
International Conference IFSA-SCIS Vice Publicity Chair
LaCATODA The Workshop on International Conference IJCAI-17 Program Committee


6-42 Ochayasho-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo 662-8552 Japan
Phone +81-798-34-6331
Fax +81-798-32-5040
E-Mail :  noriyuki+at+otemae.ac.jp Please replace +at+ to @.

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